Thursday, March 18, 2010

Irish Yoga

I would love to give you all some pearls of wisdom today or share a fantastic recipe with you or inspire you to achieve athletic greatness, but that isn't going to happen. Not today.

That isn't going to happen because I spent yesterday working on my Irish Yoga poses in lieu of writing a blog post ...

(I actually used to be a yoga instructor so I can vouch for the validity of these exercises.)

So, if you must know the whole truth, we are not all tofu and flax seed and green drinks around here ... at least not on St. Patrick's Day ...

(Do you see how Ethan is making a move on my beer?!? Make no mistake friends, Irish blood runs deep.)

GUINNESS for strength!

I'll be back tomorrow with more FAL tips, tricks and treats. Have a great day!



    You guys are so darn cute. Wish we could have celebrated with you.

  2. Well I'm glad to see that you're not taking this health stuff too far! I thought I was going to have to intervene. Tell cute little Ethan that Auntie Megs is proud of his beer selection. Erin, you and Abby are looking quite adorable too..............OK, so is Eric.

  3. I'm relieved by today's post -- we just got back from spending a week in New Orleans, a city not known for dietary restraint. I have been feeling a little guilty about falling off the healthy eating wagon. For example, we had dinner Monday night at a restaurant called Cochon. For those of you who don't speak French, it translates to "pig." So you can imagine what was on the menu.

    I did, however, exercise regularly. The weather was great, so we did a fair amount of walking around, plus I went jogging several days. In the past, I wouldn't have done so much exercising on vacation, so at least the exercise part of the equation wasn't a total loss (like the diet part was).

  4. Great picture!

    I'm pretty sure the Irish are Africans who lost their tan.


  5. chimmy hahahahaha!

    do africans drink a lot too?

  6. I DID lose my tan Chimmy. That's hilarious.

    Also, is 'slainte' like African for Cheers? I like it but don't want to misuse it :-)
    Please advise.

  7. Chimmy, LOL!!!!!!!!!
    Great pic of your family Erin! Love it!

  8. so funny! so cute


  9. yes, africans love their drink... probably a little too much.

    we love to eat together, drink together, sing together, storytell and drink together. we cherish our storytellers and have songs and prayers for every occassion... does that sound familiar?

    personally, i have confirmed my hunch. the only i guys i have dated that weren't the least bit phased by the african tribe were irish!

    my gaelic is a bit rough, but slainte is an irish cheer... i'm 99% positive.
