Monday, February 8, 2010

Man Down!

Dear Friends,

We are a man down this week – well, technically one little man and one little lady. Ethan and Abby spent the better part of last week and the weekend in the hospital with a bad case of RSV that turned into pneumonia. The good news is that they were released from the hospital yesterday and are doing just fine, but they are on supplemental oxygen and have a few follow-up doctor appointments this week. As such, I won’t really have much time to devote to writing original content or testing new recipes this week.

However, I encourage any of you healthy-ish readers out there to email me your favorite nutritious recipe and I will post them on the blog. We will dub this week “Reader Recipe Week” and devote it to sharing your favorite healthy recipes with one another.

Tomorrow Allison will share her red beans and rice and black-eyed peas (no, not the band) recipes with us all. If you have an all-time favorite or general crowd-pleasing recipe to share, please email me!



  1. Oh my sweet little babies!!! Give them a HUGE HUG from me!!!!



  2. Hi Erin,
    I am glad the kids are recovering. Hope you are too - it must have been scary. I emailed you some recipes. Great idea!

  3. Oh Erin, we'll be praying for your little family! Blessings!

  4. Hope your little ones are ok!!!

  5. Take a break from here and focus on getting those little ones WELL!!!!! We'll survive! :)
    I have pneumonia's no fun! :( Healing prayers to your little ones!

  6. sweet, sweet babies.

    give them kisses from the meltons. wish i were there to give their mama a big hug, too.

    Love you girl,

  7. Erin,

    I am glad that your little ones are on the mend! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers!

    Take care,

    Jennifer :)

  8. Good rest (and lots of hugs and kisses) to ALL of you!!

  9. Oh no! I am sending them healthy prayers, and for you and your husband too! We had our daughter in the hospital at 6 mos with RSV and pneum too, it's so scary and they put that insulting contagious sign on your door! I hope you are all getting some rest and TLC! Keep us posted on the recovery as you have time!

  10. Praying for healing and a swift recovery for Ethan and Abby!

    Loving all the recipes!!!

  11. Hope everyone is on a solid road to recovery!
